Basic Month to Month Rental Agreement Pdf
If you`re planning on leasing or renting out a property, a basic month to month rental agreement can be a useful tool for outlining the terms of the arrangement. This type of agreement is typically used for short-term rentals, such as those lasting less than a year, and is often preferred by both parties as it provides flexibility and ease.
A month to month rental agreement typically includes the following basic information:
1. Names of the parties involved: This section should include the legal names of the landlord and tenant, as well as any co-signers or guarantors.
2. Property specifics: This section should include a detailed description of the property being rented, such as the address, number of bedrooms and bathrooms, and any other amenities or features.
3. Rent and payment information: This section outlines how much rent the tenant will be required to pay each month and when it is due, as well as any late fees or penalties that may be incurred for late payments.
4. Security deposit: This section should detail how much the tenant is required to put down as a security deposit, as well as any conditions under which it can be withheld by the landlord.
5. Lease length: As the name implies, a month to month rental agreement typically lasts for one month at a time, and is automatically renewed each month until one party gives notice to terminate the agreement.
6. Termination clause: This section outlines the terms under which either party can terminate the agreement, typically requiring 30-days’ notice.
7. Maintenance and repairs: This section specifies who is responsible for maintenance and repairs on the property, and what procedures to follow if repairs are needed.
8. Utilities and other expenses: This section outlines which utilities and expenses (such as water, electricity, or trash service) are the responsibility of the tenant, and which are the responsibility of the landlord.
While a basic month to month rental agreement can be a useful tool for outlining the terms of a short-term rental agreement, it is important to ensure that the document is legally sound and adheres to any relevant local or state laws. Consider seeking the advice of an attorney or using a reputable online template to ensure your agreement is comprehensive and legally binding.